Every year, there are about 17,810 new spinal cord injuries in the USA, with victims suffering long-term complications and disabilities. A spinal cord injury can cause pain and suffering for you and your loved ones. You may need to use a wheelchair, walk with a cane or crutches, or even experience chronic pain. To navigate these challenging times and get the compensation you deserve, you need experienced spinal injury lawyer Samer Habbas to walk with you.

Spinal Injuries are Serious

Spinal injuries are often difficult to diagnose and treat. They may require multiple surgeries and months of physical therapy before the patient can return to normal activities. Victims experience physical pain and suffering and are often left with very high medical bills and missed work days. Therefore, you need an experienced lawyer to ensure your rights are protected and that you receive the best possible settlement and care for your injuries.

Causes of Spinal Injuries

The most common causes of spinal injuries include falls and traffic accidents. However, most cases result from an accident on the job or through work. Other causes include being struck by objects, including tools and other equipment, or gunshot wounds to the spine.

Get Legal Help

Spinal injury law is a complex area of law and can be overwhelming. You may want to file a personal injury claim after sustaining a spinal injury, but you do not know how to proceed. A spinal injury lawyer will help you understand the process and obtain compensation for your pain and suffering. Get a free consultation at Samer Habbas and learn how we can help put your life back together after a catastrophic spinal injury.

Your Legal Options

You could file a claim for compensation if someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. Spinal cord victims can also file for damages in personal injury suits. In addition, you may be able to receive an award for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages related to your injury. You may also be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering if your injury has left you unable to function normally. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling these claims and will work hard to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. We will advise you on your legal options, rights, and the right course of action.

Who Can File for Damages for Spinal Injury?

You could file a claim for compensation if someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. The victim must show that another party’s negligence or recklessness caused their injuries. This can include failing to properly maintain their vehicle or equipment or failing to maintain proper control of a car. It can also involve failing to yield right-of-way at an intersection or any behavior that may lead to an accident. Since your case may be time-sensitive due to the statute of limitations, contact us for a free consultation immediately. Our experienced legal team will fight for your rights and help you seek the compensation you deserve.

Experience and Representation You Can Trust

Spinal injury lawyers at Samer Habbas have over 25 years of experience representing spinal injury victims. As a result, we understand the complications and frustrations of a spinal injury. In addition, we have extensive experience helping people with spinal cord injuries file claims for compensation from insurance companies and other defendants. At Samer Habbas, we are committed to providing comprehensive representation throughout every stage of the process, including negotiations and litigation if necessary.

Get the Compensation You Deserve

If you suffer spinal cord injuries due to an accident or medical error, contact spinal injury lawyer Samer Habbas and begin your claim. You might be eligible for compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering if your injuries were due to someone else’s negligence. Contact your attorney today for a free consultation and see how they can help you get the compensation you deserve.