If you have been injured due to another person’s carelessness or negligence, you may want to hire an attorney to help you understand your legal options. Personal injury cases can be quite complicated. Although you might be able to handle your case on your own, you can only secure maximum compensation for your losses when you hire a knowledgeable Vermont personal injury attorney. Read to know what your attorney can do that you might not be able to do:

Know What You Must Prove in Court

In personal injury cases, there are some elements you need to prove in court. It may not be enough to testify about your version of events or give the evidence you get. Sometimes, you may need to let a lawyer find and use expert witnesses to prove that the negligent party owed you a duty of care, that they breached this duty, and caused your injuries. Also, your lawyer will collect as much evidence as possible including video surveillance, photos, and witness testimony. 

Negotiate a Fair Claim Settlement

The majority of personal injury cases do not reach the court because they are settled by the involved parties themselves. Throughout the settlement process, your lawyer will negotiate a reasonable amount of settlement by the at-fault party or their insurer. To determine whether or not to settle your case outside of the courtroom, your attorney will consider factors such as your chances of your case prevailing in court based on the available evidence, settlements and verdicts from the same cases, and the scope of the negligent party’s financial resources and insurance coverage limits. 

Meet Deadlines

Every jurisdiction has established procedures for civil cases such as personal injury lawsuits. There are different deadlines to meet for each step of a lawsuit. One of these deadlines is the statute of limitations or the filing deadline. In Vermont, you have three years from the date you got injured to file a personal injury lawsuit. If you miss this deadline and file a suit, the court will dismiss it. 

Handle Communications with the Other Party

Throughout every stage of your personal injury case, your lawyer will communicate with the negligent party and their insurance provider. During the discovery phase, motions, and a possible trial, they will fight for you against the legal teams of the other party. The majority of people have no access to resources or do not have the experience to do this without an experienced lawyer by their side.