The media reported sex abuse within the Catholic Church over the past several years. Concentrated efforts to minimize the abuse and to deny that it took place recently came to light in court cases and in allegations by victims. Yet, few reports disclose clergy sex abuse within the Protestant Church.Read More →

The common question that is frequently asked but hardly explained is how fast you should hire a personal injury lawyer Houston after being harmed in an accident. Those who are involved in an accident are affected or injured in various ways.   Whether it can be a motor vehicle collision orRead More →

Human life is quite unpredictable and death comes to us all at a certain point of time. If you have children and other members of the family who are going to outlive you after you pass to another plane, it is in your best interest to get a last willRead More →

Riding motorcycles have their thrill. But when one thinks of a motorcycle, the mind unconsciously moves to the thoughts of severe crashes. Reckless riding, wet roads and the need for speed are just some of the reasons why these accidents take place. In the case of motorcycle collisions and accidents,Read More →

Contested divorces generally occur once the spouses don’t react to one another or disagree while using the grounds reported for divorce and possess issues regarding the allocation of parental responsibilities, your children, spousal maintenance or issues regarding distribution of marital assets, for example retirement plans and family-owned companies. When theRead More →

There are many Dubai lawyers today that assist clients cope with cybercrimes. Here’s what you need to know. In 2016, there’s been of the hundred reported cases of cybercrime within the UAE, leading to 23% rise in internet crime. In 2017, almost Dh4 billion was lost due to this cybercrime.Read More →