At the end of the day, people have to eat. Without food security, not much can go on in any nation. That’s why agriculture remains the backbone of many economies around the world. But that doesn’t mean the policymakers always consider the interests of farmers. That’s how unfair agricultural policies that never support farmers come up.

So who steps in to ensure there is a framework for sustainable production, processing, and marketing practices that benefit the farmers and the agriculture industry? That’s where agriculture lobbyist comes in. 

Here are 5 roles of an agriculture lobbyist:

  • Broadcasting  Farming Information

Agricultural lobbyists ensure any vital information from policymakers gets to the farmers, and vice versa. They gather and broadcast information about upcoming legislative proposals affecting farmers. They also disseminate information about government programs to keep farmers well-informed. Agriculture lobbyists organize educational seminars, conduct outreach campaigns, and distribute newsletters to ensure farmers understand what policymakers are up to. Framers can then participate in the policymaking processes that affect them.

  • Handling Emerging Issues And Crises

According to some leaked documents, two of the world’s biggest producers of beef and animal feed crops lobbied for the UN not to highlight too much the relationship between meat consumption and global emissions. These countries approached the drafters of the UN report and lobbied them to change sections of their report that linked plant-based diets to increasing global emissions.

Another example is the European Union’s lobbyists, who have spiritedly opposed the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy, which aims to make food in Europe healthier and more sustainable by halving the use of pesticides and antibiotics in livestock farming and reducing the use of fertilizers by 20%.

Agricultural lobbyists usually monitor unforeseen issues that may negatively impact the agriculture sector and do what they can to nip them in the bud. They address any emerging crisis or burning issue, be it trade disputes involving farm produce, regulatory matters, droughts, or even pest outbreaks.

  • Advocating Pro-agriculture Policies

Agricultural lobbyists also work around the clock to influence policies that impact agriculture, whether at local, state, or federal levels. They advocate for viable farming practices by pressing policymakers to make decisions that benefit farmers and other agriculture stakeholders.

  • Coordinating With Other Stakeholders

Things work better when the approach is coordinated. By presenting a united front, agricultural lobbyists get to attract the attention they need. They only get heard when they build coalitions with other like-minded stakeholders such as environmental groups, agricultural businesses, farmers’ associations, etc. This way, their voices get to the ears of the policymakers.

  • Working Hand In Hand with Legislators

But agriculture lobbyists don’t just shout at the rooftops or influence policies from a distance. Where possible, they do come up with legislative proposals and provide expert views during the legislation process. That is, they become part of the legislation either by attending meetings where public participation is required.

This way, they directly shape agricultural laws that affect this sector.

Parting Shot

There are several issues agricultural matters lobbyists can raise awareness. Investment in suitable infrastructure is just one because it directly improves agricultural production.